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Protect yourself from sexually transmitted diseases

Skydd mot könssjukdomar - engelska

A condom is the most common form of protection to reduce the risk of Sexually transmitted diseases (STD's) when when you have sexual intercourse. It is best if you and the person you are going to have sex with talk about protection before you have sex. Both of you are responsible for providing protection from STD's.

En person håller i en röd, hoprullad kondom som är utplockad ur sin förpackning. Illustration.

Different kinds of sex have different risks 

There are different ways of having sex. You can have sex in a way that you don’t infect someone with an STD or get infected yourself. Caressing is one way. Oral sex is safer than sexual intercourse.

You don’t need to worry about STD if neither of you have had sex before.

A condom offers great protection

To protect yourself if you have sexual intercourse, it is a good idea to use a condom. A condom is a thin cover that is put on the penis when it is hard, before vaginal or anal intercourse.

It is important that the condom is in place the entire time you have sexual intercourse, so that it can protect you from STD's.

Condoms can be bought at pharmacies, kiosks and supermarkets, as well as on the Internet. Most Youth Guidance Centres offer free condoms.


A femidom is another form of protection that is like a condom. You insert it into the vagina when you are going to have sexual intercourse. You can read more about femidoms in the text about birth control.

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Diseases that are passed on through having sex

Venereal diseases can be passed on when you have sex with someone. Get tested if you think that you may have caught a venereal disease. There is medication that can help available. It is often free.


Youth Guidance Centre

You can visit a Youth Guidance Centre if you have questions about your body, sex or birth control. You can also visit the clinic if you are feeling anxious or depressed and need someone to talk to.

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