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About Youmo

About Youmo

Om Youmo - engelska

Youmo.se is a site for young persons from 13 to 20 years of age. Here you will find information about your body, sex and health. You can also read about equality, your rights and how you can find help to improve your well-being.

At Youmo you can look at pictures, watch videos and read in Arabic, Dari, Somali, Swedish or Tigrinya. You will also find information on how to contact all the youth guidance centres in Sweden.

Youmo is part of UMO.se, the online youth guidance centre. Those who are responsible for Youmo and UMO are county councils and regions. These are the agencies that govern care and health in Sweden.

The information on the site has been reviewed by people who are experts in Youmo’s areas.

The translations have been reviewed by several people who speak both Swedish and the language we have translated into.

Youmo is a collaboration with the Swedish Agency for Youth and Civil Society (Myndigheten för ungdoms- och civilsamhällesfrågor), MUCF. The Swedish government has funded the creation of Youmo.

You can order or download Youmo posters, leaflets/cards, launch films and more. Visit UMO for more information.

Contact us to make an order, if you find any errors or if you have a suggestion regarding how we can improve Youmo. We read messages in Swedish and English.

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