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Support if you face threats or violence from your family because of your sexual orientation or gender identity

Stöd om du är utsatt för hot eller våld av familjen på grund av din sexuella läggning eller könsidentitet - engelska

Is your family afraid of losing their honour because you are gay, bisexual, trans or queer? Does your culture or religion put you at risk of being rejected by your family or religious community for being who you are? Or are you keeping your true self a secret to protect yourself against threats or violence from your family? You have the right to be who you are, and there is support and help available.

The video is based on interviews with young LGBTQ people. However, the persons shown in the video are actors.

You can tell someone anonymously

It is good to tell someone what you are going through, even if it feels hard to do. That way, you can get support. You can choose to be anonymous.

The list below has organisations you can contact anonymously. The people who work there are experienced in listening to people in your situation. They can also give you tips on places where you can meet other people in a similar situation.

You can get help if you are a victim of threats or violence

Social Services (Socialtjänsten)

Contact Social Services if you are afraid that something will happen to you, or if you need support or protection from threats or violence. They can help you. For example, they can organise a safe place for you to stay temporarily.

You can find contact details for Social Services on your municipality’s website. You can also get help to contact Social Services, for example from the organisations listed above.

When you ask Social Services for help, you need to tell them who you are. If you are worried that your family might harm you if they find out you have asked for help, let Social Services know this. That way, they can find a safe place for you before they contact your parents or the adults you live with.

Social Services has to contact the adults you live with if you are under 18 years old. But they do not always have to tell them everything you have said. Some things can sometimes be kept secret, for example if there is a risk that your family would harm you if they found out. 

112 and the police

Call 112 if you are in danger and urgently need help. Call the police on 114 14 if it is not an emergency, or +46 77 114 14 if you are outside of Sweden.

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