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Slideshow: What happens in the boy body during puberty

Here is a slideshow that shows what happens in your body during puberty. NOTE! Explicit images.

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Slideshow: What happens in the girl body during puberty?

Here is a slideshow which shows what happens in the body during puberty. NOTE! Explicit images.


Film: My heart was racing and I had butterflies in my stomach

This story was sent to Youmo by a young person.


Having sex with someone

It’s important that it feels good and is pleasant for everyone when you have sex with someone. What feels good for one person might be uncomfortable for another person. Listen to how the other person would like to have sex. Describe or show what feels good to you. Speak up if something is uncomfortable.


Human rights

Human rights protect your right to live a good life. You have the right to education and health care. You have the right to be treated fairly and the right to flee to another country if you are in danger.

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