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Abort - engelska

An abortion is the early ending of a pregnancy. You decide yourself if you want to have an abortion if you are pregnant. There is no age limit for having an abortion. If you have an abortion, it will be just as easy for you to become pregnant again in the future. It will not increase your risk of having a miscarriage.

Två personer i en soffa håller om varandra. Illustration.

It is common to have many thoughts and feelings about having an abortion. For this reason, you can always find someone to talk to about an abortion.

If you are pregnant, the decision is yours

It is always the person who is pregnant who decides whether or not to have an abortion. You also have the right to change your mind at any time before the abortion.

When can I have an abortion?

A pregnancy is counted from the first day of your last period. You are entitled to have an abortion up to and including week 18 of the pregnancy without explaining why to anyone.

After week 18, the government agency National Board of Health and Welfare (Socialstyrelsen) must give permission for an abortion to take place. 

The National Board of Health and Welfare is not allowed to give permission for an abortion to take place if the foetus can survive outside the body of the pregnant person. For this reason, an abortion is never performed after week 21.

An abortion is most often performed at a hospital

An abortion is performed at an abortion clinic or at an obstetrics and gynaecology clinic. Sometimes, you can perform part of the abortion at home.

You call the clinic and make an appointment yourself.

If you are thinking about having an abortion, you can also contact a Youth Guidance Centre or a health clinic (vårdcentral) for advice. The staff there can help you get in touch with an abortion clinic.

Good to talk to someone

It is common to have many thoughts and feelings about having an abortion. You can get help and support before and after an abortion. Health care professionals will listen to you and can help you make your own decision. It can feel good to talk to someone even if you are certain that you want to have an abortion.

If you have made someone pregnant, there will also be someone to talk to.

Two ways to have an abortion

A medical abortion means that you take two kinds of pills that cause the pregnancy to be terminated.

A surgical abortion means that the embryo or foetus is removed via minor surgery. You are put under general anaesthesia during this abortion.

The cost of an abortion can vary

The cost of an abortion can vary depending on the part of the country. In many places, you do not need to pay anything if you are under 18 years of age.

Do my parents/guardians need to know?

The staff at the abortion clinic have taken an oath of confidentiality and cannot tell anyone about your appointments. But if you are under 18 years of age they may suggest that you tell an adult you trust that you are planning to have an abortion. This can be a relative or someone else you know, a counsellor or a school nurse. Knowing that someone can provide support both before and after the abortion may make things easier for you. 

After the abortion

Resting a day or so after an abortion can be a good idea. You may have minor stomach ache, similar to menstrual cramps, during the first few days. Blood can come from your vagina for three to six weeks. While you are bleeding, you must not have vaginal intercourse or swim or bathe. You must not use a tampon or sanitary protection cup.

Some women who have an abortion feel sad afterwards. Others feel relief. You may not feel very much at the time of the abortion, but your emotions can come later. You can contact, for instance, a Youth Guidance Centre (ungdomsmottagning) to talk to someone if you feel bad after an abortion, even if a long time has passed.

If you have an abortion, it will be just as easy for you to become pregnant again in the future. It will not increase your risk of having a miscarriage.

Video about abortion

This is a video about abortion, from RFSU.

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