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How to get health care

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Everyone who lives in Sweden has the right to get health care when they need it. Call 112 if you or someone else has a life-threatening injury or illness.

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You can call 1177 twenty-four hours a day for medical advice or information if you or someone around you is sick. You will receive information about what kind of care you need and the location of the closest health centre or emergency room. You can also visit 1177.se to find information about a health centre.

Health centre (Vårdcentral)

When you are sick or have questions about your health, contact a health centre. Health centres can have different names: hälsocentral, sjukstuga, husläkarmottagning or distriktsläkarmottagning. These centres are where you can go to get help with most illnesses and health issues. You have the right to go to any health centre you choose, within the country.

Youth Guidance Centre (Ungdomsmottagning)

The Youth Guidance Centre is for everyone aged between 13 - 25 years. Read here for more information about what a Youth Guidance Centre can help you with.

Student health (Studenthälsan)

Student health is health care which is provided through the school system. Every school has a nurse available and sometimes also a counsellor, doctor and psychologist. You can get help with lots of different things, for example you can talk about things which might be troubling you in your private life, get help with a stomach ache or get help if you have hurt yourself.

112 – SOS alarm

Call 112 if someone’s life is in danger. An example might be if you or someone else has been injured in an accident, or has suddenly collapsed.

Emergency health care

Emergency rooms are open twenty-four hours a day and can be found at the hospital (sjukhus/lasarett). You should go to an emergency room for help with health concerns which cannot wait, for example if you find it hard to breathe or have been involved in an accident. Call 1177 to find out where the emergency rooms are located.

Seeing a medical specialist

Certain clinics have different kinds of medical specialists available. These specialists are not available at all clinics. An example of such medical specialists include psychiatrists, ophthalmologists and dermatologists. You can find more information about clinics that have these specialists on the Internet or at 1177.se.

Midwife Clinic (Barnmorskemottagning)

Midwife nurses work at specific clinics for midwives. These clinics can also be called mödravårdscentral, MVC. You can go to one of these clinics if you are pregnant or have questions about birth control pills/other forms of birth control.


If you do not speak Swedish, you have the right to an interpreter so that you can understand what the doctor and other health care professionals say to you. Let staff know that you need an interpreter when you book your appointment. Read more about interpreters on 1177.se.

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Confidentiality and Professional Secrecy

The professionals that you have contact with at a health clinic are not allowed to talk about you with anyone or release written information from the clinic about you to anyone. This is called confidentiality. All professionals who work in health and medical care are legally obliged to follow confidentiality rules and regulations.

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