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Violence & harassment

Våld & orättvisor - engelska

In the menu below, you will find texts, pictures and films about violence, discrimination and harassment.

Overview - Violence & harassment

  • Film: Discrimination

    Discrimination means that you are treated worse than others based on your gender, religion, age, sexual orientation or because of where you come from. It is also discrimination if you are treated worse than others because, for instance, you are in a wheelchair or are visually impaired, or because you feel that your gender doesn’t match your body. It is illegal to discriminate against anyone.

  • Sexual harassment

    Sexual harassment is when a person does or says something that is related to the body or sex, which another person finds unpleasant. Sexual harassment is never OK. In fact, it can be a crime.

  • Making a police report

    You should make a police report if you think that you have been a part of something illegal, or if you have witnessed a crime.

  • Sexual assault

    Sexual assault is when a person is forced or coerced into sexual acts. You can get help if you have been sexually assaulted. It is also a crime.

  • My family won't let me meet up with friends or go on a school trip

    My family decides almost everything I do. There are a lot of things I'm not allowed to do. I wasn't allowed to go on the school trip, and I'm not allowed to meet up with friends. If they suspect I haven't gone straight home from school, they get really angry and threaten me.

  • Film: You decide over your body

    Every person has the right to make decisions regarding their own body. This is a human right. But what does it mean?

  • Slideshow: Human trafficking

    This is a slideshow about human trafficking, and where you can get help if you´re a victim to it. Human trafficking is when someone exploits you to get money. For example, they might force you to sell sex, steal, work or sell drugs.

  • Film: I've stopped selling sex and taking drugs

    This story was sent to Youmo by a young person.

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